Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Update from Luckenwalde

Well, the weather has been pleasant enough. I have also continued to enjoy making headway with the Empathic Civilization - just over a hundred pages to go. In the last few days I've been joined by Karunabandhu, who is doing some repair work on one of the sheds in the garden, and I've enjoyed helping out where I can. I continue to run every other day, still just gentle outings through the woods, preparatory to the start of the training plan in a couple of weeks time.

Apparently the world cup has started again. It is a vaguely interesting phenomenon that it manages to attract such attention, and therefore money, from so many around the world, but otherwise I can't really get excited about it.

Below are some photos from the last couple of weeks in Luckenwalde.

The woods where I train

The Buddha hill in the garden
(It used to be a rubbish heap)

A Poppy in the sun

A poppy and a bee

Courgette seedlings

Ornamental grass

Garden shed roof repairs

A very tiny baby rat?

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