Sunday, May 9, 2010

BIG 25

The BIG 25 km is underway right now. In fact the winners have no doubt completed the course and maybe even received their prizes in the Olympic stadium. On Friday I collected my number - 4749 - with my running mate Harald, although I was pretty certain that I would not be well enough to run. For the second year running I have fallen ill just before this run and couldn't join the fun. It would have been my longest run yet, but last year I came down with flu the evening before, and this year I started sneezing non-stop on Thursday morning, and I am just now over the worst, but am still weak and breathless. It is enough climbing the stairs to the flat, never mind running 25 km. Next year.....

The number I would have had.

1 comment:

  1. Das tut mir leid, und ich hoffe du wirst bald wieder gesund.
    Ich bin zwei Mal - vor meinen ersten beiden Halbmarathons - direkt vorher krank geworden. Ich glaube, dass ich mich vorher während des Traings zu sehr angestrengt hatte und mein Immunsystem danach empfänglich wurde für alle Arten von Erkältungskrankheiten.
