Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Old age, Sickness and Death

Its almost two weeks since I started getting ill, and I still don't feel able to restart training. It takes it out of me to climb the stairs to my flat, although I am managing to get about by bicycle again, despite the weather. Patience is a spiritual practice that everyone who possesses a body can practise, especially as one gets older. It was his realisation of the facts of old age, sickness and death two and a half thousand years ago that provided the spur for Siddhartha to pursue the spiritual quest to its ultimate conclusion of Enlightenment when he became the Buddha. I will try to patiently accept my condition while hoping to be fit and well enough in order to take part in the half marathon in Potsdam on 6th June.


  1. You'll miss the Sternfahrt!!

  2. Old age & sickness... YES.
    ==>> my knee - gets old and rumpy (ist das ein englisches Wort? Hört sich aber passend an). - Auf jeden fall muss ich im Moment eine Trainingspause einlegen (1 Woche) wg. Knieschmerzen. Eine Physio hier hat mein Knie getapt und es fühlt sich schon viel besser an. Ich werde am Fr. wieder laufen und hoffe, dass es wieder aufwärts geht.
