A problem I've had over the last few weeks has been 'runner's nipples'. Really! Due to the extreme heat and consequent sweating, the chafing of my wet shirt on my nipples has sometimes been extremely painful, even to the extent that they have bled. Looking down at my shirtfront and seeing blood stains was quite a shock the first time! In the last week the problem has eased a little and I have discovered that if I keep wiping the sweat from my neck, the shirt doesn't get wet so quickly. I am also kind of relieved that it is an acknowledged condition - see the article on
Wikipedia Technically known as fissure of nipple, there are also some useful suggestions for its prevention which I might try. I tried sticking plaster, but they don't stick very well. The photo isn't of my nipple by the way, but copied from Wikipedia and copyrighted by the photographer
C0nsumer and licensed under creative commons.
I did some enjoyable interval training this morning, getting up at 5.30 again to enjoy the relatively cool air, and running 10 x 400 metres with 400 metre jogging in between.
By the way, you'll need to read the Wikipedia article to learn about
Cello Scrotum.
Es gibt verschiedene gute Möglichkeiten:
ReplyDeleteRasieren und abpflastern. Es gibt dazu gute und auch dauerhaft haltbare Pflaster bei Runners Point: http://www.runnerspoint.de/Holthaus-Medical-BRUSTWARZENPFLASTER_326_art
Und zumindest hier in Melbourne kann man in jedem Outdoor-Geschäft "anti-chaf" - stick von bodyglide kaufen. Dazu http://www.bodyglide.com/
oder im Online Handel, gibt natürlich verschiedene Anbieter:
Alles erfolgreich geprobt.
Bis bald wieder in Deutschland
oder das:
gibt's aber wohl nicht Deutschland. Aber in deiner alten Heimat.
Zeig uns deine Brust und lauf ohne T-Shirt ....
Maitricarya again
The actual track Rue Des Cascades is played on the piano, but this man is such a genius on the violin that I bow down to every note that he plays. I know that this is strictly not all violin, but it is the total ambience of the Album that for me makes it a number one classic. violin tuner