Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All Clear from the Doctor

A couple of weeks ago I finally went to the doctor to ask his opinion about me running a marathon, and at the same time to ask about what kind of medical check-ups would be sensible, given that I passed the 50 mark nearly three years ago. So I had a blood test, an EKG, provided samples of this and that, and have been sent to various specialists to have further tests. He certainly didn't seem concerned about me running a marathon. Apparently my blood pressure is "perfect". So I now feel confident now about going public with my marathon attempt.

What is perhaps interesting is the fact that it took me nearly three years of talking about having a health check-up before I finally did it. On account of the fact that there is always plenty to do, I can always persuade myself that 'I don't have time'. Well, maybe part of me was really a bit scared about confronting the demons of old age, potential illness and death.

How am I kept busy? This is what I did today:
  • 06.45 - got up
  • 07.00 - meditation
  • 08.15 - breakfast
  • 09.00 - check e-mails, clean my room and prepare for my English student
  • 10.00 - teach English
  • 11.30 - visit from a friend from Hamburg
  • 12.15 - travel to Buddhistisches Tor
  • 13.00 - lead the lunchtime meditation class
  • 14.45 - Chapter Meeting (with members of the Triratna/Western Buddhist Order)
  • 17.20 - travel to Prenzlauerberg
  • 18.00 - meeting with Cornelia and Roberta about Fundraising strategy for the new Buddhist centre
  • 20.30 - travel home
  • 21.15 - cook and eat supper, relax and chat with fellow community members
  • 22.00 - check e-mails, write blog......
Tomorrow I hope there will be time to run again.

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